Saturday, December 18, 2010

happy birthday dadda!

Today was your Dadda's birthday, and he had been wanting to take you to Taronga Zoo for ages so we set off early this morning and were there before the gates opened.  It was a fantastic time of day to go, no lines, all the animals were moving around, and not too hot or sunny.  Your favourite was the giraffes, they are such an unusual looking creature I suppose.  Lucky for you Dadda became a zoo member today so I'm sure he'll be taking you back there many times over the next year.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

a new first

Friday night was my work Christmas party so after dropping you at Vieve's at 8:30 in the morning it was au revoir to your mum until Saturday morning, as I wasn't home until after you were asleep.  A first for us.  Almost 24 hours without your mum.  And by all accounts you didn't seem to mind!

Your new fascination at the moment is with buses, so on Saturday we caught a bus down to Bondi and back and you loved it.  The today we caught a bus from Paddington home after a morning coffee with your Uncle Jus.  Again you thought it was fantastic, and now you love pointing out anything bigger than a normal car (which is sometimes a garbage truck instead of a bus but it's all part of learning!).

Monday, December 6, 2010

homemade treasures

Gorgeous dress that Nene made for you...

And in other news, you have truly entered the world of "babble" now.  Your vocabulary is far reaching, we are just unsure what language you are speaking, nevertheless it is a beautiful one.  You have been such a fun little character to be around over the past few days.

Today you had an excellent day with your Dadda eating mint chip icecream at the beach while Mumma had to go to work :(

Thursday, December 2, 2010

grandparents galore

You're such a lucky little thing to have so many grandparents in your life.  This evening it was Grandpa and Nonna's turn to delight you with their love and attention, and boy can you dazzle when you want to.  You were full of cheeky smiles, hand slaps, gifting of your toys and dummies to them, crazy laughs and general brilliance.  The only downside was when it was time for bed you got grizzly as you were having too much fun with the grown-ups.

Mumma and Dadda were also spoilt by their visit as they always bring yummy food so we don't have to cook.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

visit to coffs

Well you bounced back from your recent illness and it was off to Coffs for you and me for a long weekend.  Your favourite parts of the visit?  Oh so many:
- Following Pardy into the kitchen, down the hall, out to the garden, well actually wherever he went you followed and were indulged with lots of carrying around and pointing out the wonders of all things Nene and Pardy.
- The pop-up tunnel was a hit - and a bargain too, spotted by Nene for $2 at the school fete.  Play tent included too!
- Feeding the lizard, a rather large monitor that has become dependent on banana bits for for breakfast and dinner served by Pardy.
- The fairy garden.  You were intrigued and would proudly point it out to anyone who would watch.  Pardy taught you to "shhh - be quiet" around the fairies.
- The pool next to the beach was a hit until you spotted the playground at Nautilus and demanded to test out the fun-o-meter of this particular playground.
- Aunty Hayley was a hit too after a few false starts (you are never in a great mood when you've just woken from your nap).
- The little stroller that Nene and Pardy salvaged from the upstairs neighbour.
- The mini strawberry chocolate ice cream cones that seemed to become your regular morning tea during our holiday.

All in all it was a great weekend and you lapped up to the love with delight.  But the biggest smile was of course when we were met by Dadda at the airport on Monday morning.

Pointing out the fairies

Pointing out the fairies to Pardy
Helping Pardy weed in the garden
Pondering life with Nene

Crawling through the tunnel

Enjoying a chocolate covered strawberry cone

Monday, November 15, 2010

scarlet fever

Yesterday morning I knew something was up when even a visit to the playground and a paddle at the beach did not lift your spirits.  You were oh so very quiet (extremely unusual for you!) and sleepy.  After returning from the beach I noticed a rash of little red spots covering your body from head to toe.  A teary phone call to the local hospital and a visit to the GP revealed scarlet fever and tonsillitis.  Since then you have been up and down (usually up after a dose of medicine).  We had a nice night together, just you and I, although you were quite demanding as your bedtime neared.  It's heartbreaking watching your child suffer and makes me appreciate you so much, even facing another broken nights sleep - I wouldn't change it for the world.

Monday, November 8, 2010


When you were but a wee ball in my belly we all went on holidays to Italy and you were accompanied by an equally little ball in Natalie's belly.  Together the two of you enjoyed many a gelato.  This past weekend the two little balls were reunited and oh what fun you had with your new friend Daniel!  It was instant attraction as you followed each other around and passed toys back and forth.

Yesterday was a gloriously sunny day after a run of rain so we all picnicked at Mrs Macquarie's Chair and watched the Red Bull Flugtag before capping the evening off with a dinner at Nick's Seafood Restaurant on Bondi.  Luckily Daniel and his parents Natalie and Miller are staying with us later in the week so you'll get lots more quality time with your little UK friend.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Well I don't want to keep harping on about the changes but it seems to be all consuming at the moment.  You're not happy at daycare.  You're very not happy when we drop you off.  And apparently you're very not happy for a lot of the day.  We're re-assessing the situation with Vieve on Friday and things might need to change again.

Ahhh well.  Growing up is hard to do.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

working mumma

After over 12 months out of the workforce today was my first day back and all I can really say is I'm soooooooooooooooo tired!  After an early start taking you to your swim lesson, then a full day of filling my brain with things other than thoughts of you, I am ready to drop!  Luckily you had a great day with your Nene so I didn't have to worry about you.  I was even lucky enough to get a "today's pic" emailed to me at work.  Tomorrow it's back to Vieve's for you so we'll see how you go.  Goodnight from very tired mummy.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

end of week 1

So we got through it - your first week at daycare.  Well, two half-days, but that is a lot for someone as little as you are.  The first day went well, you went for your morning sleep with no crying and had a good long nap, and were interested but shy around the other children.  The second day you also had a nice long nap in the morning, but were a bit unsure when you woke up and kept wondering where I was.  When I arrived to collect you at midday you were fine but happier when transferred from Vieve's arms back to mine.  We stopped at the park on the walk home and you were full of smiles and enjoying the beautiful sunny day.  You even went down the slide on your own!  Here are some pictures:

Saturday, October 16, 2010

monkey's first school bag

I've wrote earlier that things in the Brooks household are changing.  Here is some tangible proof:

Maya's first school bag

Yep.  Your first school bag.  Packed and ready for your first day of family daycare this week.  Although the bag is ready, and you're probably ready, I don't think I am yet.  But I probably never will be.  I can't wait to get some independence back in some of my days but it's going to be hard to relinquish the care of you to someone who is virtually a stranger.  But a very nice, loving, caring, and qualified, stranger.  I know all children and parents have to go through this eventually.  And I've had friends tell me that the only day harder than dropping you at care for the first time, is the day I come and pick you up and you cry because you want to stay, rather than crying because I am leaving you.  

Monday, October 11, 2010

the times they are a-changing

Well what a difference a day can make!  Your world - as you know it - is about to get turned upside down.  As your mum, I am entitled to worry about this no end, but hopefully by the time you are able to read this you will have forgiven me and have adapted to these changes.

Why? You ask.  Because your mummy, who up until now you have spent every waking hour with minus a few here and there, was offered a plum job today and is going back to work (umm, clarify = PAID work) four days per week in two weeks time.  This means a big change for you. You will now be cared for by your dadda two days per week and (hopefully) in family daycare two days per week, hanging out with four other kids.  I hope you'll like this.  Tomorrow we meet with your potential family daycare provider and fingers crossed she is lovely and caring and will make you feel happy and safe.

This is also a big change for your mummy.  A new role, a step up in my career, an exciting challenge.  I will also be back in the city after about 5 years out "west".  A shorter commute to work means more precious time with you on workdays.  And no more sitting in Sydney traffic.  Let's just hope the trains run on time!

Friday, October 8, 2010

the chair

I thought I'd write today about an item of furniture in our house.  You love this item, you seem to know it's yours and yours only.  It's your armchair.  We bought this on a whim when looking for practical budget baby items when you were about 4 months old.  This was definitely not practical at the time (you could not even sit up yet) and it was definitely not a budget item, at a time when we were very low on money.  But we both saw it at the same time and said "We've got to buy this."  We justified it in many ways to ourselves - well, she'll be able to sit in it until she's about 8... means we can all watch family movies in comfort... she's only the first child so it's really for her and any subsequent children we may have..." and so on.  It sat in a corner of the living room for a few months and I often wondered whether it was a good buy.  But I'm glad we did as you know spend a good deal of the day climbing in and out of it and just sitting back, relaxing, and chilling in your little armchair.  You love sitting in it to watch your tv program and I've even caught you carrying books over to it and looking through them.  I think it will be one well-worn item by the time you outgrow it.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

faster than a speeding wombat...

The title is a favourite quote of Pardy's and it's an apt description of your walking skills of late.  You are now venturing off furniture in your quest to walk towards me, then veering away from me and ending up elsewhere in the room.  You think this is hysterically funny and you are obviously very proud of your clever little self.

Not only are you walking 'faster than a speeding wombat', you are also learning at a lightning speed.  It's amazing how I can say things to you which I don't think I've said before and you react in a way that means you've totally understood what I've said.

Back to Pardy, who was staying here for a few days but left on Monday, tonight you heard his voice on the phone and started pointing to the computer screen where you usually see him via Skype.  Then you kept holding your hand out as if to say "Where's he gone?" and kept looking at the front door.  It was very sweet.

You & Pardy in the Blue Mountains July 2010

At Miranda Fair


Monday, October 4, 2010

it's my party...

Hello birthday girl!  We wrapped up a wonderful week of you turning 1 (OMG!!!) with a party attended by 40 of your closest family and friends on Saturday.  We had planned a fabulous picnic down at Bronte Park but the threat of rain on Saturday meant a chance of venue to Grandpa and Nonna's apartment.  You had a great time picnic-ing on the rug in their loungeroom with your mates Olive, Matilda, Marilla, & Henry.  You also enjoyed zooming around the legs of guests on your quest to stride from the lounge to the kitchen and back looking for you dadda, mamma, and - well, anyone that noticed how clever you were at walking.  There was plenty of party food and mummy got creative with some ladybug and flower cupcakes and your Nene made a fantastic butterfly cake (thanks to the classic Womens Weekly Cake book).  It's lovely to celebrate having you in our lives for a year and heart-warming to see all the people that love you gathering together.  We look forward to seeing how you grow and change over the next year.

Pic of the spread below - more photos to come after I hunt them down from your Uncle Joel who was the unofficial photographer of the day.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

happy birthday to you!

Hello gorgeous girl - it's your first birthday!  Well not your very first as that was last year, but the anniversary of your first year.  You had a lovely day as Nene and Pardy came to stay and you LOVED LOVED LOVED playing with them, following Pardy around, and jumping all over their bed.  You got lots of gifts and got spoilt with cards, cuddles, love and smiles from your family all day long.  After a hasty birthday cake and song minutes before bed you crashed without a peep.  Happy birthday my gorgeous little monkey.  Lotsa love xxxxx

Sunday, September 26, 2010

a weekend of parties

You have been a little party girl this weekend - not your own (yet!) but two of your fellow comrades from Mothers Group.  And you had an absolute ball.  Being park parties, there was no short supply of kids, dogs, birds, swings and slides to keep you occupied.  Oh yes - and party food.  You had your first taste of fairy bread (not a fan), cupcakes (yum mum!) and even some chocolate birthday cake (the expression on your face after trying this is conclusive proof you are my daughter). All great practice for your own party next Saturday.  And at the end of a long weekend of partying you are now sleeping very very soundly, not a peep all night.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

your mummy - the working woman

So this may come as a shock to you but other than being your mum I am also a qualified career woman.  I haven't been feeling that way lately, especially as I attempt to return to work in a slightly different industry after a 12 month break being Your Mum.  Jobseeking.  Selling yourself.  It's hard.  And depressing.

Tonight I met up with two friends for dinner.  We all used to work together at the same company in the city a few years ago.  It was great to see them as with all our lives so busy it's hard to make our paths cross and when they do it's usually at a celebration or function where we aren't able to have a really good chatter together.  So tonight was fun.  But more than that, it made me remember the career person I was, and quite possibly still am.  I am knowledgeable, I am smart, I am experienced.  Just not in the industry I want to be in.  So although it doesn't make the job seeking any less hard, it does make it a little less depressing remembering that I in addition to being your mum, I am also many other things, such as a valuable employee.  I just need to find the company that realises that.  Stay tuned...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

the sleepover

On Friday night we headed to your Grandpa and Nonna's place for a sleepover.  They were very pleased to spend some quality time with you and you loved showing off your walking skills with the aid or your walker.  You were a superstar in the sleeping department which I was thankful for as it allowed me a night to indulge in some wine and chats with your Uncle Jus and Aunty Sam.  However there were 2 downsides to the sleepover -

*  After not drinking much, if at all over the past almost 2 years, it only takes a tiny bit of wine to leave me feeling deflated the next day, so Saturday was a looooooooooooong day for me.  I could not wait to crawl into bed last night.

*  After a night with mesh sides in your portacot, you caught a few knocks when back in your cot the following night, leading to a not so superstar night of sleeping.

After napping peacefully today with no troubles, I was hopeful of an uneventful bedtime tonight.  It wasn't to be.  A few more knocks as you tried to find a comfy position led to some more crying which has become totally out of character for you lately.  But as I sit here writing this I'm pleased to say there is a nice silence now coming from your room.  I hope you've found a comfy position little one, good night xxx.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

greening the balcony

We have a lovely big balcony with a fantastic view of the ocean, however since moving in here over a year ago I'm ashamed to say we haven't made much of use it.  Well, today I decided that has to change.  Mainly because it's really the size of another room and you are getting bored of the rooms available to you.  You get grumpy everytime I sit you down in the lounge area.  You look longingly outside at the birds in the sky and the green grass across the road in the park.  But since we can't spend all day every day at the park, I thought I'd bring a little park to you.  So off we went to Bunnings to 'green' the balcony.  A few pot plants, some green turf and other bits and bobs later, I think the balcony is much more Maya-friendly.  You seemed to think so to as you sat outside and played with your blocks whilst I hauled the BBQ around.

Here are the before and after pics:

The before pic - empty pots, dead shrubs, dirty dusty tiles and a balcony edge that  makes me nervous (top floor of a tall building with a concrete driveway below)

Some greenery that I hope survives the summer.  Must remember to water often!

Playpen to ensure you can't get close to the edge of the balcony and throw your toys off (it's a looooooong way down!)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

the afternoon nap

Our daily routine in terms of sleeping has been this for the past few months has been: morning nap in your cot, afternoon nap in our bed laying next to me.  I love the afternoon nap for many reasons:

* I get a daily nap whether I need it or not
* I get to snuggle up with you
* I get to lay and watch you sleeping even if I'm not - surely one of the most relaxing and happy activities a mother can undertake
* I get to ignore the housework and the general untidiness of the house for at least an hour a day
* I get a break from having to do things for you (feed you, clean you, change you, entertain you), and get to just enjoy you.

However, in the past few weeks it's getting harder and harder to get you to go to sleep next to me.  You're becoming too mobile and think it's hilarious to torpedo yourself around the big mattress instead of laying still and waiting for sleep to wash over you.  Lately you also love rolling away from me, back to me, away from me, back to me, and so on.  You love practicing your verbal skills and watch me closely for a reaction.  You love taking your dummy and prodding me with it, as well as sticking your finger in my mouth, up my nose, and occasionally in my eye. It's all become a great big game for you - which is fine - except that we are getting less and less sleep during this time.  And I think you still need it.  So perhaps we may have to save the sleeping for your cot only.  I'm thinking about it... but each afternoon when it comes time for your nap I just can't bring myself to give up the shared nap.  "Just one more day" I think to myself as we head into the big bed.  We'll see what tomorrow brings...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

today's pic

So ever since your Daddy went back to work after you were born, he asked me to take a photo of you each day he was at work and email it to him at some stage in the day so he didn't feel like he was missing out so much.  This has become the 'today's pic' email, which now goes out not only to your Daddy, but also to your Nene, your great grandparents Pa & Maggie, and your Aunty Hayley, who all asked to be put on the mailing list after learning about this daily task.

In the beginning it was very hard to find the time and energy to take out the camera, take the photo, upload to the computer, export into a sendable file, and attach to the email.  But I'm glad I persevered, as we have pictures of you from almost every day of your life, and in my world pictures = memories.  It's now become second-nature to me to do the whole routine, that's not the hard part.  Now the hard part of each 'today's pic' is getting you to sit still long enough to take a decent photo!  Today's wasn't so great and I was a little out of practice since I didn't send the email for the last 3 weeks when your Daddy was home.  So I'm not going to attach it here.  But I will show you some other ones from the year that I think were pretty special.  

April 19 - first swim lesson

May 26 - master of the roll
June 17 - happy to be home

August 5 - so clever standing

Monday, September 13, 2010

the holiday at home is over...

For the past three weeks we've been lucky enough to have your Daddy at home with us... not so lucky for him as it was due to recovering from a knee operation so he has been somewhat mobility-challenged.  But unfortunately tomorrow he is back at work and we will be back to our daily duo routine.  You have loved having him around and often crawl around the house until you can find him.  I have loved having him around for the extra set of eyes and hands as you become more mobile and enjoy getting into anything that looks remotely dangerous.  So thanks Daddy for all you're help over the past three weeks.  We love you and wish you were home with us all the time. xxx

Sunday, September 12, 2010

festival of the winds

You've only recently started pointing at things - a big development in your communication skills.  It has led to the odd battle of the wills when I place your lovingly created breakfast in front of you which you look at with distaste before pointing at the banana in the fruit bowl and look at me expectantly.

However, breakfast battles aside, the pointing is a great new way for you to pass the day and engage me in conversation as I tell you about all the wonderful things in this world that you point out.

Today you put this pointing to good use as we headed down to Bondi Beach for the annual kite flying "festival of the winds".  It was a gorgeous spring day with just enough of a breeze to keep the kites flapping about and you had great fun pointing with wonderment at all the colourful shapes high above you.  A lovely way to end the weekend.  

Saturday, September 11, 2010

the simple things in life

Today you were given a balloon when we were out shopping.  I almost stopped the store assistant, thinking in my head your were too little to be interested in the balloon.  I'm glad I didn't, as it has provided hours of fun for you.  You have spent most of the afternoon crawling around with the ribbon of the balloon clasped in your little hand.  You even thought it was funny you kept bobbing the balloon into your face when we were trying to feed you lunch.  It's ironic we were out trying to find gifts for your upcoming birthday, and yet the best gift today was the one that cost us nothing.  That is one of the greatest gifts adults learn from children, that the best things in life are usually the most simple things.

the memory project

I will be the first to admit I often have grand ideas that sometimes (or maybe more than sometimes) I fail to follow through with.  Not for lack of wanting, it's more finding the time in an already overflowing schedule.  A schedule that for the almost past 12 months has been all about you.  Feeding, dressing, changing, playing, singing, reading, feeding, changing - and repeat.  'Groundhog day' was, I believe, a phrase that I may have used in the past year.  But if ever there is a time in one's life that one doesn't mind living through again and again it's the first year of your baby's life.  Motherhood - the pay sucks but the perks are endless.  Anyway I digress.  The grand idea of this blog is to create a lasting record of a time in your life that I will always treasure, but unfortunately your own memories of this time will be a little blurry to say the least.  Hopefully this blog will help you out.  I do know however, although the memories may not be so clear in your mind, the feelings of loving and being loved by your parents will be imprinted into your memory bank forever.  And so begins the memory project...