Monday, October 4, 2010

it's my party...

Hello birthday girl!  We wrapped up a wonderful week of you turning 1 (OMG!!!) with a party attended by 40 of your closest family and friends on Saturday.  We had planned a fabulous picnic down at Bronte Park but the threat of rain on Saturday meant a chance of venue to Grandpa and Nonna's apartment.  You had a great time picnic-ing on the rug in their loungeroom with your mates Olive, Matilda, Marilla, & Henry.  You also enjoyed zooming around the legs of guests on your quest to stride from the lounge to the kitchen and back looking for you dadda, mamma, and - well, anyone that noticed how clever you were at walking.  There was plenty of party food and mummy got creative with some ladybug and flower cupcakes and your Nene made a fantastic butterfly cake (thanks to the classic Womens Weekly Cake book).  It's lovely to celebrate having you in our lives for a year and heart-warming to see all the people that love you gathering together.  We look forward to seeing how you grow and change over the next year.

Pic of the spread below - more photos to come after I hunt them down from your Uncle Joel who was the unofficial photographer of the day.

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