Sunday, September 12, 2010

festival of the winds

You've only recently started pointing at things - a big development in your communication skills.  It has led to the odd battle of the wills when I place your lovingly created breakfast in front of you which you look at with distaste before pointing at the banana in the fruit bowl and look at me expectantly.

However, breakfast battles aside, the pointing is a great new way for you to pass the day and engage me in conversation as I tell you about all the wonderful things in this world that you point out.

Today you put this pointing to good use as we headed down to Bondi Beach for the annual kite flying "festival of the winds".  It was a gorgeous spring day with just enough of a breeze to keep the kites flapping about and you had great fun pointing with wonderment at all the colourful shapes high above you.  A lovely way to end the weekend.  

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