Tuesday, November 30, 2010

visit to coffs

Well you bounced back from your recent illness and it was off to Coffs for you and me for a long weekend.  Your favourite parts of the visit?  Oh so many:
- Following Pardy into the kitchen, down the hall, out to the garden, well actually wherever he went you followed and were indulged with lots of carrying around and pointing out the wonders of all things Nene and Pardy.
- The pop-up tunnel was a hit - and a bargain too, spotted by Nene for $2 at the school fete.  Play tent included too!
- Feeding the lizard, a rather large monitor that has become dependent on banana bits for for breakfast and dinner served by Pardy.
- The fairy garden.  You were intrigued and would proudly point it out to anyone who would watch.  Pardy taught you to "shhh - be quiet" around the fairies.
- The pool next to the beach was a hit until you spotted the playground at Nautilus and demanded to test out the fun-o-meter of this particular playground.
- Aunty Hayley was a hit too after a few false starts (you are never in a great mood when you've just woken from your nap).
- The little stroller that Nene and Pardy salvaged from the upstairs neighbour.
- The mini strawberry chocolate ice cream cones that seemed to become your regular morning tea during our holiday.

All in all it was a great weekend and you lapped up to the love with delight.  But the biggest smile was of course when we were met by Dadda at the airport on Monday morning.

Pointing out the fairies

Pointing out the fairies to Pardy
Helping Pardy weed in the garden
Pondering life with Nene

Crawling through the tunnel

Enjoying a chocolate covered strawberry cone

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