Friday, October 8, 2010

the chair

I thought I'd write today about an item of furniture in our house.  You love this item, you seem to know it's yours and yours only.  It's your armchair.  We bought this on a whim when looking for practical budget baby items when you were about 4 months old.  This was definitely not practical at the time (you could not even sit up yet) and it was definitely not a budget item, at a time when we were very low on money.  But we both saw it at the same time and said "We've got to buy this."  We justified it in many ways to ourselves - well, she'll be able to sit in it until she's about 8... means we can all watch family movies in comfort... she's only the first child so it's really for her and any subsequent children we may have..." and so on.  It sat in a corner of the living room for a few months and I often wondered whether it was a good buy.  But I'm glad we did as you know spend a good deal of the day climbing in and out of it and just sitting back, relaxing, and chilling in your little armchair.  You love sitting in it to watch your tv program and I've even caught you carrying books over to it and looking through them.  I think it will be one well-worn item by the time you outgrow it.

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