Sunday, September 19, 2010

the sleepover

On Friday night we headed to your Grandpa and Nonna's place for a sleepover.  They were very pleased to spend some quality time with you and you loved showing off your walking skills with the aid or your walker.  You were a superstar in the sleeping department which I was thankful for as it allowed me a night to indulge in some wine and chats with your Uncle Jus and Aunty Sam.  However there were 2 downsides to the sleepover -

*  After not drinking much, if at all over the past almost 2 years, it only takes a tiny bit of wine to leave me feeling deflated the next day, so Saturday was a looooooooooooong day for me.  I could not wait to crawl into bed last night.

*  After a night with mesh sides in your portacot, you caught a few knocks when back in your cot the following night, leading to a not so superstar night of sleeping.

After napping peacefully today with no troubles, I was hopeful of an uneventful bedtime tonight.  It wasn't to be.  A few more knocks as you tried to find a comfy position led to some more crying which has become totally out of character for you lately.  But as I sit here writing this I'm pleased to say there is a nice silence now coming from your room.  I hope you've found a comfy position little one, good night xxx.

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