Thursday, September 23, 2010

your mummy - the working woman

So this may come as a shock to you but other than being your mum I am also a qualified career woman.  I haven't been feeling that way lately, especially as I attempt to return to work in a slightly different industry after a 12 month break being Your Mum.  Jobseeking.  Selling yourself.  It's hard.  And depressing.

Tonight I met up with two friends for dinner.  We all used to work together at the same company in the city a few years ago.  It was great to see them as with all our lives so busy it's hard to make our paths cross and when they do it's usually at a celebration or function where we aren't able to have a really good chatter together.  So tonight was fun.  But more than that, it made me remember the career person I was, and quite possibly still am.  I am knowledgeable, I am smart, I am experienced.  Just not in the industry I want to be in.  So although it doesn't make the job seeking any less hard, it does make it a little less depressing remembering that I in addition to being your mum, I am also many other things, such as a valuable employee.  I just need to find the company that realises that.  Stay tuned...

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