Saturday, September 11, 2010

the memory project

I will be the first to admit I often have grand ideas that sometimes (or maybe more than sometimes) I fail to follow through with.  Not for lack of wanting, it's more finding the time in an already overflowing schedule.  A schedule that for the almost past 12 months has been all about you.  Feeding, dressing, changing, playing, singing, reading, feeding, changing - and repeat.  'Groundhog day' was, I believe, a phrase that I may have used in the past year.  But if ever there is a time in one's life that one doesn't mind living through again and again it's the first year of your baby's life.  Motherhood - the pay sucks but the perks are endless.  Anyway I digress.  The grand idea of this blog is to create a lasting record of a time in your life that I will always treasure, but unfortunately your own memories of this time will be a little blurry to say the least.  Hopefully this blog will help you out.  I do know however, although the memories may not be so clear in your mind, the feelings of loving and being loved by your parents will be imprinted into your memory bank forever.  And so begins the memory project...

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