Thursday, October 7, 2010

faster than a speeding wombat...

The title is a favourite quote of Pardy's and it's an apt description of your walking skills of late.  You are now venturing off furniture in your quest to walk towards me, then veering away from me and ending up elsewhere in the room.  You think this is hysterically funny and you are obviously very proud of your clever little self.

Not only are you walking 'faster than a speeding wombat', you are also learning at a lightning speed.  It's amazing how I can say things to you which I don't think I've said before and you react in a way that means you've totally understood what I've said.

Back to Pardy, who was staying here for a few days but left on Monday, tonight you heard his voice on the phone and started pointing to the computer screen where you usually see him via Skype.  Then you kept holding your hand out as if to say "Where's he gone?" and kept looking at the front door.  It was very sweet.

You & Pardy in the Blue Mountains July 2010

At Miranda Fair


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