Tuesday, September 14, 2010

today's pic

So ever since your Daddy went back to work after you were born, he asked me to take a photo of you each day he was at work and email it to him at some stage in the day so he didn't feel like he was missing out so much.  This has become the 'today's pic' email, which now goes out not only to your Daddy, but also to your Nene, your great grandparents Pa & Maggie, and your Aunty Hayley, who all asked to be put on the mailing list after learning about this daily task.

In the beginning it was very hard to find the time and energy to take out the camera, take the photo, upload to the computer, export into a sendable file, and attach to the email.  But I'm glad I persevered, as we have pictures of you from almost every day of your life, and in my world pictures = memories.  It's now become second-nature to me to do the whole routine, that's not the hard part.  Now the hard part of each 'today's pic' is getting you to sit still long enough to take a decent photo!  Today's wasn't so great and I was a little out of practice since I didn't send the email for the last 3 weeks when your Daddy was home.  So I'm not going to attach it here.  But I will show you some other ones from the year that I think were pretty special.  

April 19 - first swim lesson

May 26 - master of the roll
June 17 - happy to be home

August 5 - so clever standing

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