Monday, October 11, 2010

the times they are a-changing

Well what a difference a day can make!  Your world - as you know it - is about to get turned upside down.  As your mum, I am entitled to worry about this no end, but hopefully by the time you are able to read this you will have forgiven me and have adapted to these changes.

Why? You ask.  Because your mummy, who up until now you have spent every waking hour with minus a few here and there, was offered a plum job today and is going back to work (umm, clarify = PAID work) four days per week in two weeks time.  This means a big change for you. You will now be cared for by your dadda two days per week and (hopefully) in family daycare two days per week, hanging out with four other kids.  I hope you'll like this.  Tomorrow we meet with your potential family daycare provider and fingers crossed she is lovely and caring and will make you feel happy and safe.

This is also a big change for your mummy.  A new role, a step up in my career, an exciting challenge.  I will also be back in the city after about 5 years out "west".  A shorter commute to work means more precious time with you on workdays.  And no more sitting in Sydney traffic.  Let's just hope the trains run on time!

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