Saturday, October 16, 2010

monkey's first school bag

I've wrote earlier that things in the Brooks household are changing.  Here is some tangible proof:

Maya's first school bag

Yep.  Your first school bag.  Packed and ready for your first day of family daycare this week.  Although the bag is ready, and you're probably ready, I don't think I am yet.  But I probably never will be.  I can't wait to get some independence back in some of my days but it's going to be hard to relinquish the care of you to someone who is virtually a stranger.  But a very nice, loving, caring, and qualified, stranger.  I know all children and parents have to go through this eventually.  And I've had friends tell me that the only day harder than dropping you at care for the first time, is the day I come and pick you up and you cry because you want to stay, rather than crying because I am leaving you.  

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