Tuesday, October 26, 2010

working mumma

After over 12 months out of the workforce today was my first day back and all I can really say is I'm soooooooooooooooo tired!  After an early start taking you to your swim lesson, then a full day of filling my brain with things other than thoughts of you, I am ready to drop!  Luckily you had a great day with your Nene so I didn't have to worry about you.  I was even lucky enough to get a "today's pic" emailed to me at work.  Tomorrow it's back to Vieve's for you so we'll see how you go.  Goodnight from very tired mummy.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

end of week 1

So we got through it - your first week at daycare.  Well, two half-days, but that is a lot for someone as little as you are.  The first day went well, you went for your morning sleep with no crying and had a good long nap, and were interested but shy around the other children.  The second day you also had a nice long nap in the morning, but were a bit unsure when you woke up and kept wondering where I was.  When I arrived to collect you at midday you were fine but happier when transferred from Vieve's arms back to mine.  We stopped at the park on the walk home and you were full of smiles and enjoying the beautiful sunny day.  You even went down the slide on your own!  Here are some pictures:

Saturday, October 16, 2010

monkey's first school bag

I've wrote earlier that things in the Brooks household are changing.  Here is some tangible proof:

Maya's first school bag

Yep.  Your first school bag.  Packed and ready for your first day of family daycare this week.  Although the bag is ready, and you're probably ready, I don't think I am yet.  But I probably never will be.  I can't wait to get some independence back in some of my days but it's going to be hard to relinquish the care of you to someone who is virtually a stranger.  But a very nice, loving, caring, and qualified, stranger.  I know all children and parents have to go through this eventually.  And I've had friends tell me that the only day harder than dropping you at care for the first time, is the day I come and pick you up and you cry because you want to stay, rather than crying because I am leaving you.  

Monday, October 11, 2010

the times they are a-changing

Well what a difference a day can make!  Your world - as you know it - is about to get turned upside down.  As your mum, I am entitled to worry about this no end, but hopefully by the time you are able to read this you will have forgiven me and have adapted to these changes.

Why? You ask.  Because your mummy, who up until now you have spent every waking hour with minus a few here and there, was offered a plum job today and is going back to work (umm, clarify = PAID work) four days per week in two weeks time.  This means a big change for you. You will now be cared for by your dadda two days per week and (hopefully) in family daycare two days per week, hanging out with four other kids.  I hope you'll like this.  Tomorrow we meet with your potential family daycare provider and fingers crossed she is lovely and caring and will make you feel happy and safe.

This is also a big change for your mummy.  A new role, a step up in my career, an exciting challenge.  I will also be back in the city after about 5 years out "west".  A shorter commute to work means more precious time with you on workdays.  And no more sitting in Sydney traffic.  Let's just hope the trains run on time!

Friday, October 8, 2010

the chair

I thought I'd write today about an item of furniture in our house.  You love this item, you seem to know it's yours and yours only.  It's your armchair.  We bought this on a whim when looking for practical budget baby items when you were about 4 months old.  This was definitely not practical at the time (you could not even sit up yet) and it was definitely not a budget item, at a time when we were very low on money.  But we both saw it at the same time and said "We've got to buy this."  We justified it in many ways to ourselves - well, she'll be able to sit in it until she's about 8... means we can all watch family movies in comfort... she's only the first child so it's really for her and any subsequent children we may have..." and so on.  It sat in a corner of the living room for a few months and I often wondered whether it was a good buy.  But I'm glad we did as you know spend a good deal of the day climbing in and out of it and just sitting back, relaxing, and chilling in your little armchair.  You love sitting in it to watch your tv program and I've even caught you carrying books over to it and looking through them.  I think it will be one well-worn item by the time you outgrow it.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

faster than a speeding wombat...

The title is a favourite quote of Pardy's and it's an apt description of your walking skills of late.  You are now venturing off furniture in your quest to walk towards me, then veering away from me and ending up elsewhere in the room.  You think this is hysterically funny and you are obviously very proud of your clever little self.

Not only are you walking 'faster than a speeding wombat', you are also learning at a lightning speed.  It's amazing how I can say things to you which I don't think I've said before and you react in a way that means you've totally understood what I've said.

Back to Pardy, who was staying here for a few days but left on Monday, tonight you heard his voice on the phone and started pointing to the computer screen where you usually see him via Skype.  Then you kept holding your hand out as if to say "Where's he gone?" and kept looking at the front door.  It was very sweet.

You & Pardy in the Blue Mountains July 2010

At Miranda Fair


Monday, October 4, 2010

it's my party...

Hello birthday girl!  We wrapped up a wonderful week of you turning 1 (OMG!!!) with a party attended by 40 of your closest family and friends on Saturday.  We had planned a fabulous picnic down at Bronte Park but the threat of rain on Saturday meant a chance of venue to Grandpa and Nonna's apartment.  You had a great time picnic-ing on the rug in their loungeroom with your mates Olive, Matilda, Marilla, & Henry.  You also enjoyed zooming around the legs of guests on your quest to stride from the lounge to the kitchen and back looking for you dadda, mamma, and - well, anyone that noticed how clever you were at walking.  There was plenty of party food and mummy got creative with some ladybug and flower cupcakes and your Nene made a fantastic butterfly cake (thanks to the classic Womens Weekly Cake book).  It's lovely to celebrate having you in our lives for a year and heart-warming to see all the people that love you gathering together.  We look forward to seeing how you grow and change over the next year.

Pic of the spread below - more photos to come after I hunt them down from your Uncle Joel who was the unofficial photographer of the day.