Thursday, September 8, 2011

from bubba to big girl

I had to laugh last night when you Skyped with Nene and Pardy - Nene started off by saying her usual "Is that my bubba?"  However on this occasion it was met with a terse "I'm not bubba, me big girl!"  And you are certainly looking forward to your 2nd birthday, as it includes "Lion cake!  Candles!  2 candles!"  You even sing happy birthday to yourself on most days.

Your use of words and sentences is pretty amazing for someone so small.  Up to 8 word sentences on a regular basis.  And your connection between words is astounding too.  When talking about the diamonds in my necklace you'll start saying "Diamonds in sky too!  Stars! And moon as well!"

It's hard to believe you've been in our lives for almost 2 years.  Everyone thinks newborns are so cute and great but you just keep getting cuter and greater and more fantastic with every day.  I love your birthday month because it really is the start of the warmer seasons, longer days and most brilliant light, it reminds me of getting ready to first meet you 2 years ago, and what a wonderful summer it was when I was home with you all day.  Although things constantly change, and I'm glad I'm back at work and you're loving playing with your friends at Vieve's, it was also nice when you were just a tiny bundle that would sleep on my lap during the day.

Monday, July 25, 2011

mobile bubba

You were more than a bit grumpy as I left for work this morning, and I felt especially bad since you had a dry horrible cough since waking up.  I got this text from your Dadda at work after asking how you were after I left:

"Fine, chatted on her phone all the way there (to Vieve's).  Hi Mama, in pam, netis, glubs, bye mama, hi nonna, yeah yeah yeah, not yet, ooooh, bye!"

Translation:  You are talking into the remote for your portable DVD player which you mistakenly believe is a mobile phone, this is a favourite hobby of yours, apparently you spend a lot of time phoning me whilst at Daycare as well.  "Hi Mumma, in pram, have necklace and gloves on, bye mama."

Here is a photo of you with your much loved gloves (although I think you love ice cream more!)

Friday, July 1, 2011

bits and bobs of a tiring week

Life is ticking along, another few days of illness in your world has been overcome with the most upsetting aspect (for you) being the cancellation of a zoo trip.  Not cancellation so much as a postponement.  Each night at bedtime for the past 7 days you have chosen the same book and flipped straight to the page of zoo animals.  So it will be a relief to finally get you there hopefully next week.

Tomorrow we are off on a weekend in the Hunter Valley with our dear friends Mel and Rodge.  Your Dadda for one is looking forward to some quality wine tasting and cheese sampling.

In other news your mumma is now in her thirties and your Uncle Jus and Aunty Sam have just relocated to beautiful Coffs Harbour.  And I've just realised all our latest pics are on the other computer so I'll have to get some up here soon.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Maisy & Matilda

Two of your favourite cousins are Maisy and Matilda.  Unfortunately they live in the UK.  But we shared a very special day with them on April 29 when we all celebrated the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton in Hyde Park, London.  You particularly loved when Maisy and Matilda commenced a game of "stacks on" and cheerfully joined in jumping all over your cousins.

my adorable little bear

A month back home, and much to my relief back in the swing of sleep.  Specifically sleeping independently.  All night long.  Hurray!  As much as I L.O.V.E.D travelling with you and showing you the world, the thrice nightly waking was extremely trying.  Back in the comfort and familiarity of your cot, room, and routine, you are back to dragging us by the hand to your sleeping bag if we lose track of time.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Sleep is the elixir of a sane life.

Another 'news item' of the week is trying to lose the dummy.  Thinking the best approach of this would be to cut it at Vieve's first I gave instructions to leave it in your backpack this week instead of issuing it at sleep time.  The result? Yes, fine - you can go to sleep without any trouble sans dummy.  The offshoot - Vieve has caught you sneakily rummaging through your backpack and having a few dire sucks on the dum before replacing it carefully, much like a smoke trying to quit!  This has provided many laughs for Vieve, myself, and everyone I've told this week.

You are a funny little monkey and I love you dearly.  Sweet dreams lovely.  xxx

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A new breakfast!

Your favourite food at the moment hands-down is rice.  Specifically - rice - hot!  You ask for this every lunch and dinner.  We had a moment this week that you asked for it for breakfast.  We were unfortunately out of rice, but then I spied something on the breakfast bench - rice bubbles.  I asked if you would like these instead (having never had it before) and at the sound of your second favourite word (bubble) you were absolutely delighted!  Rice bubbles it was!  And you marvelled over this new cereal.  Will definitely be keeping some in the cupboard from now on.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

the u.s. of a

Your first overseas trip outside of the womb has started well.  No dramas on the 13+ hours flight from Sydney to San Fran.  We stayed in Fishermans Wharf area of San Francisco for 4 days and did all the touristy things - ferry to Sausaulito, tour of Alcatraz, tram rides, Chinatown, Union Square, Ghirardelli, and mummy even managed a night out with her good friend Kelly at the BEST mexican restaurant ever - Mamacita's!  We have one night in San Fran on the way back from London to Sydney and I've already booked us in again for a family meal (coincidentally on the 8th anniversary of your daddy and me meeting for the first time).

We are now in Portland, ME, staying with your Aunty Diddy (Elizabeth), your cousins Nick, Maddy and Emma, and their various furry friends who you adore, Lola, Stella, and Daisy (the household dogs) and the two "cats!" (as you exclaim every time we walk past them).  Pictures to follow once the camera leads are recovered from the mounds of stuff in our overflowing suitcases.

Mucho amore, xx