Friday, July 1, 2011

bits and bobs of a tiring week

Life is ticking along, another few days of illness in your world has been overcome with the most upsetting aspect (for you) being the cancellation of a zoo trip.  Not cancellation so much as a postponement.  Each night at bedtime for the past 7 days you have chosen the same book and flipped straight to the page of zoo animals.  So it will be a relief to finally get you there hopefully next week.

Tomorrow we are off on a weekend in the Hunter Valley with our dear friends Mel and Rodge.  Your Dadda for one is looking forward to some quality wine tasting and cheese sampling.

In other news your mumma is now in her thirties and your Uncle Jus and Aunty Sam have just relocated to beautiful Coffs Harbour.  And I've just realised all our latest pics are on the other computer so I'll have to get some up here soon.

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