Saturday, April 23, 2011

the u.s. of a

Your first overseas trip outside of the womb has started well.  No dramas on the 13+ hours flight from Sydney to San Fran.  We stayed in Fishermans Wharf area of San Francisco for 4 days and did all the touristy things - ferry to Sausaulito, tour of Alcatraz, tram rides, Chinatown, Union Square, Ghirardelli, and mummy even managed a night out with her good friend Kelly at the BEST mexican restaurant ever - Mamacita's!  We have one night in San Fran on the way back from London to Sydney and I've already booked us in again for a family meal (coincidentally on the 8th anniversary of your daddy and me meeting for the first time).

We are now in Portland, ME, staying with your Aunty Diddy (Elizabeth), your cousins Nick, Maddy and Emma, and their various furry friends who you adore, Lola, Stella, and Daisy (the household dogs) and the two "cats!" (as you exclaim every time we walk past them).  Pictures to follow once the camera leads are recovered from the mounds of stuff in our overflowing suitcases.

Mucho amore, xx

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