Monday, July 25, 2011

mobile bubba

You were more than a bit grumpy as I left for work this morning, and I felt especially bad since you had a dry horrible cough since waking up.  I got this text from your Dadda at work after asking how you were after I left:

"Fine, chatted on her phone all the way there (to Vieve's).  Hi Mama, in pam, netis, glubs, bye mama, hi nonna, yeah yeah yeah, not yet, ooooh, bye!"

Translation:  You are talking into the remote for your portable DVD player which you mistakenly believe is a mobile phone, this is a favourite hobby of yours, apparently you spend a lot of time phoning me whilst at Daycare as well.  "Hi Mumma, in pram, have necklace and gloves on, bye mama."

Here is a photo of you with your much loved gloves (although I think you love ice cream more!)

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