Monday, March 14, 2011

slack mumma

Ok so it's been awhile between drinks on this blogspot.  I apologise.  Life has been ticking along, you are up to 5 1/2 teeth now, 2-3 word sentences and pretty fast running in your new tiny trainers.

In the past few weeks you've got to hang out with your English cousin Alice, your long-lost friend Harrison (who has returned from a 18 month absence in Melbourne) and your various Grandparents, two of whom (Nene and Pardy) have flown out of Sydney today for a 2 month overseas adventure.

We ourselves depart for our own overseas adventure in a months time, hitting San Fran, Boston, and London.  It will be great to show you the world however I am dreading 50 hours on planes over a 4-week period.  Hopefully you will be in good health, after suffering a cough, incessant running nose, and earache over the past month.  The joys of daycare!

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