Saturday, January 1, 2011


We have almost finished celebrating this holiday season.  Christmas Day this year was spent at Grandpa and Nonna's place in Bondi, with your Great Grandparents Clarke and Great Uncle and Aunty Di and Lew.  Then a few days down at Bawley Point where the beach was at our doorstop and there were colourful birds galore.  We farewelled 2010 - your first full calendar year - in a low-key celebration at home with your Uncle Justin and Aunty Samantha, watching the Sydney Harbour fireworks from our building rooftop.  It's back to work from Tuesday, but Nene and Pardy arrive tomorrow to stay in Sydney for most of January so I'm sure there is much more celebrating in store for you.

As is custom at this time of year, reflections and resolutions have been on my mind.

Reflection - It was great taking a year off to be home with you, and while decent sleep pretty much walked out the door for most of 2010, your presence in our lives opened the window to unrelenting, unconditional pure love.  What I feel for you, you will one day experience again when feeling it towards your own children.  So this past year has also taught me a lot about myself as both a parent and a child - and provided an insight into my mother that one can only see when becoming a mother herself.

Resolutions - I heard someone saying that the most successful resolutions are those that focus on positive changes rather than negatives, therefore I refuse to resolve to give up chocolate, eat less junk food and drink less.  Instead, I would like to improve my health and weight (as I can no longer rely on breastfeeding to rid me of all those calories) by eating more veggies, having more alcohol-free nights per week, taking you to the park more, and also practicing mindfulness - being in the present.  I find too often I can't wait to get through the day, the week, the month, yet in the meantime I so so cherish you being so young and it is all going too quickly.  So I want to appreciate the here and now rather than looking constantly forward at what's around the corner.

So here's to another fantastic year with you in our lives.  Happy 2011 Maya. x

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