Thursday, September 8, 2011

from bubba to big girl

I had to laugh last night when you Skyped with Nene and Pardy - Nene started off by saying her usual "Is that my bubba?"  However on this occasion it was met with a terse "I'm not bubba, me big girl!"  And you are certainly looking forward to your 2nd birthday, as it includes "Lion cake!  Candles!  2 candles!"  You even sing happy birthday to yourself on most days.

Your use of words and sentences is pretty amazing for someone so small.  Up to 8 word sentences on a regular basis.  And your connection between words is astounding too.  When talking about the diamonds in my necklace you'll start saying "Diamonds in sky too!  Stars! And moon as well!"

It's hard to believe you've been in our lives for almost 2 years.  Everyone thinks newborns are so cute and great but you just keep getting cuter and greater and more fantastic with every day.  I love your birthday month because it really is the start of the warmer seasons, longer days and most brilliant light, it reminds me of getting ready to first meet you 2 years ago, and what a wonderful summer it was when I was home with you all day.  Although things constantly change, and I'm glad I'm back at work and you're loving playing with your friends at Vieve's, it was also nice when you were just a tiny bundle that would sleep on my lap during the day.