Saturday, December 18, 2010

happy birthday dadda!

Today was your Dadda's birthday, and he had been wanting to take you to Taronga Zoo for ages so we set off early this morning and were there before the gates opened.  It was a fantastic time of day to go, no lines, all the animals were moving around, and not too hot or sunny.  Your favourite was the giraffes, they are such an unusual looking creature I suppose.  Lucky for you Dadda became a zoo member today so I'm sure he'll be taking you back there many times over the next year.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

a new first

Friday night was my work Christmas party so after dropping you at Vieve's at 8:30 in the morning it was au revoir to your mum until Saturday morning, as I wasn't home until after you were asleep.  A first for us.  Almost 24 hours without your mum.  And by all accounts you didn't seem to mind!

Your new fascination at the moment is with buses, so on Saturday we caught a bus down to Bondi and back and you loved it.  The today we caught a bus from Paddington home after a morning coffee with your Uncle Jus.  Again you thought it was fantastic, and now you love pointing out anything bigger than a normal car (which is sometimes a garbage truck instead of a bus but it's all part of learning!).

Monday, December 6, 2010

homemade treasures

Gorgeous dress that Nene made for you...

And in other news, you have truly entered the world of "babble" now.  Your vocabulary is far reaching, we are just unsure what language you are speaking, nevertheless it is a beautiful one.  You have been such a fun little character to be around over the past few days.

Today you had an excellent day with your Dadda eating mint chip icecream at the beach while Mumma had to go to work :(

Thursday, December 2, 2010

grandparents galore

You're such a lucky little thing to have so many grandparents in your life.  This evening it was Grandpa and Nonna's turn to delight you with their love and attention, and boy can you dazzle when you want to.  You were full of cheeky smiles, hand slaps, gifting of your toys and dummies to them, crazy laughs and general brilliance.  The only downside was when it was time for bed you got grizzly as you were having too much fun with the grown-ups.

Mumma and Dadda were also spoilt by their visit as they always bring yummy food so we don't have to cook.